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"Students will expand their understanding of the impact and value of individuals and their choices on society, both intellectually and socially, through group projects and collaboration in learning communities."


Ethics and social responsibility is the obligation to do the "right thing", whatever that may be and to whoever that may be. It may be doing right by your mama, or upholding your civic duty as a citizen of this great nation. In Star Wars Episode V, Darth Vader offers an end to the galactic conflict by offering Luke the power of the Dark Side, overthrowing Palpatine, and then ruling the galaxy with an iron fist. Did Luke have the responsibility to rule the galaxy in a sense of peace, or did he have the responsibility to strike down his own father? Who was he, but a simple moisture farmer turned almost Jedi, to make that decision?


Not very many people have the fate of the galaxy on their shoulders, and more often than people are not paragons of the Light Side like Luke. A person's ethics is defined on an individual basis, and I for one have the bare minimum. I always thought I did a good job at not killing anybody.


Every action has consequences. Whether big and world changing, or small and person changing, it is our moral obligation to do right in every way we can.

Ethics & Social Responsibility



Local Art. 8 May 2014. This essay explores the role art plays in Portland through the lens of two art pieces: the Joan of Arc statue in the Laurelhurst neighborhood, and the Allow Me statue in Pioneer Courthouse Square.


Global Issues, Local Consequences. 5 June 2014. This assignment was our last for the course. In a small group of four, I helped create three small presentations: one for the class on one article, one for an environmental conference at Portland State, and a last one on our findings for the class again. Our subject was on global electronic waste exports  and our role as individuals on the exploitation of developing countries.

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